Quay for Sri Lanka Navy – Trincomalee

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Quay for Sri Lanka Navy

Sri Lanka Naval Dockyard was established in Trincomalee by the British as the ‘Royal Naval Dockyard’ and is considered as the largest Naval base in Sri Lanka Navy (SLN).  At present, the Naval Dockyard is the home to the Eastern Naval Command of SLN. The Port of Trincomalee, one of the world's deepest natural harbour and second deepest in Asia.

However, port still remains relatively underdeveloped due to the terrorist activities which prevailed in the last three decades. SLN, being the first line of defense in Sri Lanka having 200 Nautical Miles Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and increase role entrusted with extended EEZ (24-time land mass) and newly formed Search and Rescue (SAR) region (27 times land mass) It is essential to expand her fleet in many folds to safeguard national interest.  Hence, in accordance with strategic development plan of SLN, it is in the process of acquiring larger vessels to patrol her territorial waters to exercise naval role and protect the territorial waters and national security. Main features of the project are to construct the following structures and facilities.

NSA designs the mechanical, electrical and plumbing services including the consortium designs for two facility buildings of the premises. The design scope includes the electrical systems, ELV Systems, fire protection system, fuel supply system and water & wastewater disposal system. Addition to above, internal road network and the reclaimed land portion are to be properly designed by NSA.

NSA design team is collaboratively working with Paaras Marine Solutions Pte. Ltd. designer of structural elements of the Quay to facilitate the MEP elements such as cable & pipe duct, high mass poles, fuel dispensers and electrical & ELV control room. All the structures that facilitate the MEP systems including water tanks, fuel storage tanks, wastewater treatment plants and sea outfall are designed by the architectural and structural design team of the NSA.

The value engineering specialists and contractual specialists of NSA are the key advisors to the design and build JV contractor on contract administration and negotiations with the client and the consultant. The contractual advisory service of NSA has benefited the JV Contractor to manage the project in the current dynamic macro environment of Sri Lanka Construction industry.

  • 220m long 20m wide General Purpose Quay on open piled foundation including berthing facilities with inner & outer berths depths having minimum 9m & 8m from LAT (Lowest Astronomical Tide) respectively.
  • Approximately 53m long 20m wide access bridge to main Quay
  • Access road connecting access bridge to existing main road
  • Construction of approximately 60m long concrete Seawall (with adequate capacity for berthing small size crafts of maximum 15-ton Displacement) or/ and rubble mound revetment near shore line for reclamation work.
  • Construction of Breasting type dolphin (approximately 12mx12m) at 30m away from the deep end corner of the over a piled foundation
  • Connecting passenger bridge between dolphin and the main Jetty (approximately 30m long and this shall be a Concrete bridge)
  • Fender system for the quay wall suitable for the range of specified design vessels
  • Bollard system suitable for a range of specified Design Vessels.
  • Electrical system
  • ICT (Network and Telecommunication) System
  • Firefighting system
  • Fueling and de-fueling system
  • Freshwater supply system with 185,000 liters underground sump, booster pumps, pump house
  • Disposal of sewage from ships at berths to be conveyed to land through pipe network and located in service ducts for final disposal to existing septic tank at land.
  • Reclamation of sea, Vehicle Parking area, paving work and relevant landscaping
  • Other structures such as Storage (2x 60, 000 liters) and debunker (30,000 liters) Fuel Tanks, Electrical Substation and Pump Room etc.

Construction of two storied buildings for administrative purposes and laboratory


Trincomalee, Sri Lanka


2021 April – On going



Services of the Company

Design and Construction Supervision for MEP component in the Joint Venture.


Eng. Nihal Sooriyarachchi
Building Services Engineer

Eng. Santha De Silva
Senior Electrical Engineer

Eng. Sameera Priyanath
Senior Structural Engineer

Eng. Bandu Mahasen
Electrical Engineer

Eng. prasad karunarathna
Senior Mechanical Engineer

Eng. Nidas Dasanayake
Senior Mechanical Engineer

Eng. Ishara Udayanga
Mechanical Engineer

Eng. Dhanuka Lahiru
Structural Engineer

Eng. Pasan Jayasignhe
Electrical and ELV Design Engineer

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